Where to?
Kunsthalle/City/Society of the Future

Luca Kohlmetz
Common Seeds
In its final exhibition before the renovations, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf will look into the future of the institution as well as cities, urban spaces, societies, and how people live together. The exhibition Where to? Kunsthalle/City/Society of the Future will be a laboratory of possibilities for building, architecture, urban planning, and the design of public and shared spaces in a city.
Artists, architects, designers, urban planners, gardeners, scholars, and creatives who deal with topics such as urban gardening, energy-efficient construction, public and shared spaces, co-working and co-living, diversity, inclusion, environmental protection, sustainability, and other topics, and who work on innovative ideas, projects, and visions, will allow visitors to participate in their processes in the exhibition. The exhibition is planned as a project space, not as a finished presentation. It brings together ideas, projects, and proposals and invites visitors to engage in ongoing reflection and development.
Where to? Kunsthalle/City/Society of the Future examines various aspects of urban spaces and thus points to challenges of living together in the present day. However, the focus is not only on the challenges, but above all on creative solutions from a wide variety of actors.
We will ask ourselves the question: How do we want to live in the future? But above all: How can we live in the future?
The exhibition is largely designed to be participatory, and visitors will thus be challenged to actively participate in shaping our common future. Numerous projects, opportunities, and stations invite active experience, thought, and participation. From interactive project presentations to workshops and discussions, the exhibition will change over the course of its duration and with the participation of visitors.
The exhibition Where to? Kunsthalle/City/Society of the Future is jointly conceived, planned, and implemented by the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf team as a farewell.

Fari Shams and Every house has a door
Junkology, 2025.
©Fari Shams, VG-Bild Kunst 2025.

Neonature | Kassandra Huynh und Johannes Fuchs

Jan Kamensky
_Mexico-City, 2025

Anouchka Strunden