Academy [Working Title]

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Academy [Working Title], 2017/2018
Photo: Katja Illner

An ex­hi­bi­tion for the 50th an­niver­sary of Kun­sthalle Düssel­dorf am Grabbe­platz.

In the win­ter of 2017/2018 the Kun­sthalle to­geth­er with KIT will re­spec­tive­ly ad­dress the theme “Acade­my” from dif­fer­ent an­gles. In the third show of the an­niver­sary year, the pre­sent comes to the fore, but with­out hav­ing lost a view of his­to­ry and the Kun­sthalle’s archive. In­spired by the leg­endary ex­hi­bi­tion se­ries “be­tween” (1969-1973), which emerged from stu­dent un­rest and protests against the in­sti­tu­tion —par­tic­u­lar­ly among stu­dents of the Kun­stakademie— the Kun­sthalle
Düssel­dorf in­vites pro­fes­sors and stu­dents of the Düssel­dorf and Münster Kun­stakademies as well as the Kun­sthochschule für Me­di­en Köln (KHM) to Acade­my [Work­ing Ti­tle] to con­front from a crit­i­cal, con­tem­po­rary per­spec­tive a range of top­ics that at­tend the archive and to ne­go­ti­ate the sig­nif­i­cance of an his­tor­i­cal lega­cy as well as the prox­im­i­ty of in­sti­tu­tions and academies in the Rhein­land to the pro­duc­tion of art.

Along­side an im­me­di­ate en­gage­ment with the Kun­sthalle’s archive ma­te­ri­als, more ex­ten­sive and ab­stract en­gage­ment with the idea of the archive may en­sue from con­sid­er­a­tion of the archive as a site of mem­o­ry at the cross-sec­tion of her­itage, his­tor­i­cal bur­den, think tank, mem­o­ry-ar­chi­tec­ture and much more. The cat­e­go­ry “archive” and the cat­e­gories in which the archive is in­vest­ed and so by which it is brought about such as art his­to­ry, cul­tur­al iden­ti­ties and in­di­vid­u­al mytholo­gies should be crit­i­cal­ly ques­tioned. What role does the archive play for the in­di­vid­u­al artis­tic cre­ation and the per­cep­tion of an in­sti­tu­tion? How does the now-time [Jet­zt-Zeit] deal with and eval­u­ate the past? To what ex­tent do not on­ly col­lec­tive, but al­so pri­vate archives them­selves rep­re­sent forms of artis­tic prac­tice?

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the cu­ra­to­ri­al team of the Kun­sthalle, var­i­ous me­di­al for­mats can be worked through based on the dif­fer­ent em­phases and ap­proach­es of the pro­fes­sors and class­es.

As the no­tion “Work­ing Ti­tle” in the ex­hi­bi­tion ti­tle in­di­cates, the ex­hi­bi­tion has an open-end­ed, ex­per­i­men­tal for­mat. Per­ma­nent ac­cess not on­ly to the per­pet­u­al­ly re­newed im­ple­men­ta­tions of the ex­hi­bi­tion
but al­so to the dis­cur­sive ex­change, work pro­cess­es and struc­tures will be open to the vis­i­tors. It is left up to each in­di­vid­u­al the ex­tent to which they take part in the ex­change, sim­ply ob­serve or de­lib­er­ate­ly in­ter­fere and in so do­ing en­ter in­to the artis­tic works and “fi­nal re­sult” of the ex­hi­bi­tion and, by
ex­ten­sion, in­to the his­to­ry of the in­sti­tu­tion.

Fur­ther items on the pro­gram agen­da be­tween the­ater, per­for­mance, con­certs, work­shops and pre­sen­ta­tions from in­vit­ed speak­ers will be held un­der the la­bel “Per­form­ing Archive,” in search of ev­er new ac­cents of the archive.

Please find here the catalogue of the exhibition.


Emil Walde
Ohne Titel (Exterior View), 2017
Photo: Katja Illner

Emil Walde
Ohne Titel (Exterior View), 2017
Photo: Katja Illner

Malte Frey
Waffenarsenal – Schlagstock 1.1 –1.4, 2016

Malte Frey
Waffenarsenal – Schlagstock 1.1 –1.4, 2016

Sophie Isabel Urban
Everybody was here, 2017

Sophie Isabel Urban
Everybody was here, 2017

Büro für dokumentarische Angelegeheiten, 2017

Büro für dokumentarische Angelegeheiten, 2017

Klasse Katharina Grosse
Ein Drucker druckt Archiv in die Stadt., 2017

Klasse Katharina Grosse
Ein Drucker druckt Archiv in die Stadt., 2017

Line up of artist “Academy [Working Title], 2017/2018

Line up of artist “Academy [Working Title], 2017/2018

Concert Toresch, 20/10/2017
Photo: Katja Illner

Concert Toresch, 20/10/2017
Photo: Katja Illner

Konstitutiv der Möglichkeiten, 2017
Photo: Katja Illner

Konstitutiv der Möglichkeiten, 2017
Photo: Katja Illner


Sup­port­ed by

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Kunst- und Kulturstiftung
Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Rheinland
Silver Art Collection
DZ Bank
Apo Bank