Between Books
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf Art Book Fair

Photo: Katja Illner
3 Days
80 Exhibitors
20 Workshops, Talks & Lectures
After the great success of the premiere in 2023 with around 4,500 visitors, Between Books will take place again at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf from 20 to 22 September 2024!
Independent art book publishers, artists, independent publishing/DIY collectives, organisations, associations, zines and magazines will present themselves to a broad audience in the exhibition spaces of Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and show how versatile, exciting and contemporary the medium of books can be.
The main focus lies on the local and regional publishing scene, but protagonists from all over Germany and neighbouring European countries will also be present.
The art book fair will be accompanied by an exciting and interactive supporting programme:
In interactive workshops, visitors can create their own zine, learn how a Riso printer works, bind a notebook, scoop paper or draw an autobiographical comic, among other things. In performances, talks and lectures, you can find out how beautiful books are created, how to set up your own publishing house or what sparkling wine and cheese have to do with artists’ books.
And at the Between Books Bar at Café Weird Space, one can browse through their latest acquisitions or chat with other book enthusiasts while enjoying the music programme and coffee.
Between Books is both meeting place for the discourse on (art) books, alternative forms of publication and publishing as a practice as well as a place to discover, browse and get to know each other.
Opening hours Between Books:
Friday, 20 September 2024, 3 – 10 pm
Saturday, 21 September 2024, 12 – 8 pm
Sunday, 22 September 2024, 11 am – 5 pm
Admission and participation in the supporting program are both free of charge.
The art book fair is accompanied by an exciting and interactive supporting program with book presentations, lectures, talks, performances and workshops.
6 – 10 pm
Get-together with the DJs Keta Gavasheli, alphosee, Grischerr, George
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
3 – 5 pm
Foyer EG
10 years an older, younger children should be accompanied by an adult personIn this drop-in workshop format, you will learn how to bind and personalise a notebook yourself within 15 to 30 minutes. There are various binding techniques to choose from, which can also easily be recreated at home.
3 – 5.30 pm
Between Papers
8 years and older, younger children should be accompanied by an adult personHow and from what is our paper actually made? We will explore this question in the workshop. We will make our own paper from pulp, a fibre pulp, and with a sieve. A haptic pleasure with wonderful results that you can take home with you!
Please register in advance at .
3 – 6 pm
Hallo Riso.
16 years and olderThe best way to familiarise yourself with the printing process is to try it out.
In this workshop, you will receive an introduction to the basics of risography and design the artwork for your own 2-colour riso print. We will collage, draw or stamp and then print together on the riso.Please register in advance at .
5.30 – 7.30 pm
Foyer EGIn this 20-minute drop-in workshop, participants will bind a book from various coloured sheets of paper using a needle and thread. In this way, a personalised scrapbook, diary, notebook or sketchbook can be created. The type of binding presented can be easily recreated at home using simple tools and thus can serve as inspiration for further projects.
6 – 10 pm
Riso Express
ATELIERWhat is risography and how does it work?
Drop by and get to know the printing process. Here, the imperfect is perfect. I’ll show you print examples and explain the distinctive features.
Risography is ideal for small and large print runs of publications and other printed matter.8 – 10 pm
Autobiografische Comics zeichnen
14 years and olderIn this workshop, experiences from everyday life will be developed on a graphic and textual level and then bound into an individual comic book. Comics combine illustration and writing, making them an ideal medium for autobiographical work, even for beginners.
6 pm Duration: approx. 20 min
Yes, we chant
SeitenlichtsaalThe fluid multilingual lecture with live sounds discusses unexplained levels of language via spontane-ously set curatorial texts / CD release.
How do restrictive role models or rigid social processes change through artistic self-empowerment and solidary forms of publication?7 – 7.45 pm
SeitenlichtsaalThe BuchBauKasten provides an overview of the elements of haptic book design. The bindings, covers, folds and finishes can be freely combined with each other. By experimenting with these techniques, new ideas for unconventional books and book objects can be created.
8 – 8.45 pm
Schöne Bücher
SeitenlichtsaalIn the competition ‘The Most Beautiful German Books’, Stiftung Buchkunst honours 25 books each year for outstanding design and production. Managing Director Birte Kreft and jury member Andrea Reffke (DuMont) talk about trends and evaluation criteria for the award-winning titles in 2024.
9 – 9.45 pm
From your finger tip to your hip
SeitenlichtsaalStudio Manuel Raeder is concerned with the construction of narratives, both in the form of books, exhibition and communication design. Books can be used as carriers of information, or experimental devices to document or conceive narratives. In a similar manner, exhibition design can trigger different sensorial experiences, thus leading the visitor through a spatial narrative.
3 – 6 pm
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
6 – 10 pm
DJs lately7, Ildikó & Paux
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
12 – 8 pm
The Rapid Publisher
Foyer EGThe Rapid Publisher means: A room full of people, your brain meets the copy machine, creates publications with your hands!
Every few seconds the photocopier spits out your graphic, your text and dripping sweat. Nico Bergmann and Torben Röse pick up, staple together, give your ideas a form. One shape, one zine, in five-minute intervals, the work of God or utter rubbish. Both are good!12 – 8 pm 12 – 8 pm
Gemeinsam Dazwischen
18 years and olderTogether, we will produce a publication based on the creative exchange and individual contributions of all participants. Using the Risograph, we will print our work in small editions directly on site. We will work completely analogue and experiment with drawing, collage and text. Together we will go through the entire process of creating an edition and take our own copies with us at the end.
Please regsiter in advance at .
12 – 1 pm
Buchbinden in der Wildnis
6 years and olderA tiger breathing down your neck, hardly any material left, lost your toolbox on the run – and yet you quickly need a book?
Using simple folding techniques and as few tools as possible, we make simple notebooks for adventures and notes on the go.Please regsiter in advance at .
12 – 1.30 pm
Discuss your Book
Café Weird SpaceAre you currently working on an artist’s book? Maybe even to self-publish it? Are you looking for collegial feedback from a producer-centered perspective? Meet Katrin Kamrau from Katrin Kamrau is an excellent consultant for questions concerning self-publishing, self-organization, and book distribution in the field of independent publishing in Germany and Benelux.
Please regsiter in advance at .
1 – 1.30 pm
Parallelprotokolle – Mobile Schreibwerkstatt
Treffpunkt: Am Stand, danach Rundgang durch alle RäumeParallel protocols are joint texts about places and at the same time a studio for the real-life production of contemporary history. 2-4 co-writers with or without writing experience record a place and the surrounding events for 20 minutes – and what goes through their minds in the process. This results in anonymous, polyphonic texts that are published in editions.
Please note: The event will start on time. Late entry is not possible.
1.30 – 3 pm
Cut_Out Collage “arranging flowers“
12 years and olderIn the workshop, fine silhouettes are cut out of coloured paper with scissors and scalpels and made into a postcard. In addition Lukas Thein gives an insight into the creation of the book project “arranging flowers”, which was created with the Korean artist “heenngrimm”.
Please regsiter in advance at .
3.30 – 5.30 pm
15 years and olderWe will produce a zine focussing on the encounter between text and image. After a short presentation of our magazine and other examples, participants are invited to produce their own collages, which we will then compile into a zine that we will layout and produce on site.
Please regsiter in advance at .
6 – 7.15 pm
From Book to Market
SeitenlichtsaalHow does a publishing house work, how is a book made – from fields of work, cost structures and legal frameworks to distribution channels and production processes.
Talk with Mathias Koddenberg, Verlag Kettler, and Anja Bergmann, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels NRW.7.30 – 8.30 pm
Sekt Diary
SeitenlichtsaalIn the “Sekt Diary” you can keep a record of when, with whom and why you drank which sparkling wine, crémant or champagne. A kind of diary paired with 29 works by artists on the subject of sparkling wine. These will be presented and tastily served with anecdotes + drinks.
3 – 4 pm
Treffpunkt im FoyerThe guided tour of the fair provides information about the different profiles of the exhibitors with stops at three selected, very different publishing houses. There, we learn more about the founding, history and production conditions of the publishers and engage in personal dialogue about their content and artistic orientation.
Please register in advance at .
3 – 4 pm
List of Cheeses – Live
Rundgang über die MesseThe book release we’ve all been waiting for: an exquisite and wild collection, created and printed by our (since 2001) primary source of trusted information – Wikipedia.
Performed live and in motion, the cheese collection rolls leisurely through the book fair on a service trolley. Always follow your nose for the aromatic still life of printer’s ink and luxury mould.
Lots of love, Mirko & George6 pm
About Repetition e.V: Exemplar X
Ackerstraße 33, 40233 DüsseldorfExemplar X presents publications that are themselves works of art. The books are on display and can be leafed through. The viewer’s individual viewing process is enlarged live as a film projection. DJ sets will also be performed. With DJ sets by Swarm Intelligence, BORGBORG and Anodized.
12 – 4 pm
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
6 – 10 pm
DJs Kendra Witzel, Moritz Riesenbeck, Steffen Jopp, & George Popov
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
11 – 12 am
Discuss your Book
Café Weird SpaceAre you currently working on an artist’s book? Maybe even to self-publish it? Are you looking for collegial feedback from a producer-centered perspective? Meet Katrin Kamrau from Katrin Kamrau is an excellent consultant for questions concerning self-publishing, self-organization, and book distribution in the field of independent publishing in Germany and Benelux.
Please regsiter in advance at .
11 am – 1 pm
Foyer EG
10 years and older, younger children should be accompanied by an adult personIn this drop-in workshop format, you will learn how to bind and personalise a notebook yourself within 15 to 30 minutes. There are various binding techniques to choose from, which can also easily be recreated at home.
11 am – 1.30 pm
Between Prints
8 years and older, children from 5 to 7 should be accompanied by an adult person.Edges, creases and furrows can be found on used cardboard and paper. Different colours make it possible to conjure up a variety of patterns with these sustainable printing blocks. As a cover, they leave a good imPRINT on your hand-bound booklets!
Please register in advance at .
11 am – 2 pm
Hallo Riso.
16 years and olderThe best way to familiarise yourself with the printing process is to try it out.
In this workshop, you will receive an introduction to the basics of risography and design the artwork for your own 2-colour riso print. We will collage, draw or stamp and then print together on the riso.Please register in advance at .
1 – 1.30 pm
Parallelprotokolle – Mobile Schreibwerkstatt
Treffpunkt: Am Stand, danach Rundgang durch alle RäumeParallel protocols are joint texts about places and at the same time a studio for the real-life production of contemporary history. 2-4 co-writers with or without writing experience record a place and the surrounding events for 20 minutes – and what goes through their minds in the process. This results in anonymous, polyphonic texts that are published in editions.
Please note: the event starts in time. Later entry is not possible.
1.30 – 3.30 pm
Foyer EGIn this 20-minute drop-in workshop, participants will bind a book from various coloured sheets of paper using a needle and thread. In this way, a personalised scrapbook, diary, notebook or sketchbook can be created. The type of binding presented can be easily recreated at home using simple tools and thus can serve as inspiration for further projects.
2 – 5 pm
Riso Express
ATELIERWhat is risography and how does it work?
Drop by and get to know the printing process. Here, the imperfect is perfect. I’ll show you print examples and explain the distinctive features.
Risography is ideal for small and large print runs of publications and other printed matter.2 – 5 pm
Lecture Notes – Collaborative Workshop Series
18 years and olderThe workshop is a collaborative editorial exercise where participants delve into humanity’s most profound inquiries such as the essence of sacredness or the composition of black painting. The answers are on the while edited and published as part of the ongoing Lecture Notes series.
4 – 6 pm
Autobiografische Comics zeichnen
14 years and olderIn this workshop, experiences from everyday life will be developed on a graphic and textual level and then bound into an individual comic book. Comics combine illustration and writing, making them an ideal medium for autobiographical work, even for beginners.
3 – 4 pm
Treffpunkt im FoyerThe guided tour of the fair provides information about the different profiles of the exhibitors with stops at three selected, very different publishing houses. There, we learn more about the founding, history and production conditions of the publishers and engage in personal dialogue about their content and artistic orientation.
Please register in advance at .
11 am – 1 pm
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
2 – 5 pm
DJs The Croons + special appearances
Between Books Bar streamed by Callshop Radio
Salon des AmateursThe Between Books Bar 2024, with mixes from around the world and local DJ’s on site in the bar. The 25 hour music programme will be broadcasted this year by the local independent online community radio station Callshop Radio. <3
Participating exhibitors

51 Personae
51 Personae is a collaborative art project, publishing initiative, and cooperative platform based in Shanghai. It places special emphasis on life experiences in Asia and the Third World, as well as marginalized voices under suppression.

adocs publishing
adocs is an independent publishing project in Hamburg. Since 2011, we have been publishing in the fields of architecture, urbanism and design theory, visual culture and sound, artistic research and literature.

AG Minimales Reisen + KHB Kunsthalle Below
AG Minimales Reisen is the name of an anti-elitist artists’ initiative. It develops and pursues concepts that allow different people and their realities to meet and become visible. Its focus at KHBstudios Berlin is on book art.

Ai Hashimoto
There is no limit to the width of the picture scroll. This feature gives the story a sense of continuity, dynamism and power. The challenge with scrolls is that they are difficult to preserve. If we had a special box, like an old bible, we could enjoy scrolling books as if we were watching a film! Photo: Marcel de Buck

Albert Coers
Albert Coers shows a broad spectrum of artist`s publications with a focus on installations with findings and linguistic material.

AVARIE / Labor Neunzehn
Independent, specialized in art books with an interdisciplinary perspective on texts and images, AVARIE sees books as a space of creation in close collaboration with artists and graphic designers, at the outskirts of commercial production, showing the artistic process as a trace of (dis)appearance. Photo: Lina Selander

ARTIC Magazin
ARTIC is different. From the outside, from the inside and in general: each issue brings together previously unpublished texts and images on a different theme. The specially developed layout for each issue, the handmade cover and “designed pages” complete the interdisciplinary concert. Photo: Andreas Drewer

bleu. is a label for contemporary music and literature from Berlin. Since its founding in 2021, it has published the works of multimedia artist J.J. Zana – and presented productions in various museums, universities and project spaces in Europe and the UK.

Blob Shop Collective
Blob Shop Collective (NL) combines the notion of a shop — that acknowledges economic necessities within the independent publishing field — with the self-organized structure of a collective that caters togetherness. It is a meeting point where publications, knowledges and skills are circulating. Photo: Emma Prato

We are Boxhorn. A completely student-organized magazine of the Department of Design at FH Aachen. Since 1998, at least one issue has been published every year on a wide variety of topics. This year’s issue (#40) is all about tradition.

brandbook produces high-quality, individual notebooks and corporate books for companies in the customer`s CI. nuuna, brandbook’s own label for private customers, stands for innovative materials and designs. Collaborations with artists and museums lead to great editions, including with Stefan Sagmeister, Kristina Supernova and SF MoMA.

Together, Jana and Konstantin are the Buchdrucklabor: all work, design, printing, finishing and binding is done together. The publication practice mainly comprises letterpress books, as well as graphics, collages and hand drawings. Photo: Buchdrucklabor, 2024

Buchhandlung Walther König
Buchhandlung Walther König is a publisher’s bookshop with an associated antiquarian bookshop, headquartered in Cologne.
The main areas of expertise are art and art history, theory, architecture, decorative arts, design, fashion, film and photography as well as exhibition catalogues. Photo: © Buchhandlung Walther König

Buchkunst / Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
In the book art course at the BURG Halle, students deal artistically with all aspects of books and bookmaking. The studio rooms are also a bookbinding workshop.

c8400 (Eschborn) is a number in hexadecimal format. Since 2002. Offered are artist books and zines that explore the semiotics of transactions, often with consumer choices as the starting point for the artistic research process.

Caran D`Ache
Caran d’Ache, founded in Geneva in 1915, is a renowned Swiss manufacturer of writing instruments, art supplies and paints. Known for the highest quality and precision, the brand offers exclusive fountain pens, pencils and colored pencils that are appreciated by artists and writing enthusiasts worldwide.

Container Box Artbooks aims to focus on collecting and transporting artistic ideas. We publish catalogues that document exhibitions in BLOOM and represent artists’ books and editions. Photo: Tobias Brembeck

Daniela Risch & Thomas Buts
Daniela Risch & Thomas Buts have been working as a non-hierarchical two-person collective since 2021. They work with painting, photography, video and installation, among other things. Their different approaches are added or subtracted according to the common task. Photo: Daniela Risch

designkrefeld edition
The Department of Design at Hochschule Niederrhein offers students a wide range of opportunities for artistic development. The “designkrefeld edition” presents exciting and experimental works. Very well-equipped printmaking workshops are the creative laboratory for realisation.

Dicey Studios
Dicey Studios are graphic designers working mainly with and for clients in the arts, culture and non-profit sectors. Positioned reasonably comfortably on the fringes of the creative industries, Dicey Studios can occasionally muster enough resources for their own projects (zines, books, etc.).

Doooogs is an art book distribution and self-publishing studio based in Berlin and Beijing, offering greater visibility to local art publications. Since 2016, Doooogs has focused on cultural exchange by organizing events, presents art books on drawings, design, illustration and more.

duesseldorf editionen
düsseldorf-editionen by Carsten Reinhold Schulz is developing a solidarity-based publishing platform with direct shipping for the book trade. dued> creates visibility for the ideas of authors, artists, audio book makers, sound activists, edition providers and musicians.

Dutch Independent Art Book Publishers (DIABP)
DIABP is a collective of small independent Dutch publishers specialized in art, photography and artist books. We are artists/photographers/designers who publish books independently. The collective was founded in Amsterdam in 2016.

Felder Books Berlin
FELDER BOOKS BERLIN is an independent publisher of art, design and children’s books, comics and zines, founded in Berlin in September 2022. We understand publishing as an artistic practice. Our projects are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach and minimalism.

FFT Düsseldorf & Alexander Verlag Berlin
The series Postdramatic Theater in Portraits is dedicated to a new theater aesthetic since the 1990s. The editors of the series are Florian Malzacher, Aenne Quiñones and Kathrin Tiedemann. The series is published by Alexander Verlag Berlin and is edited by Kunststiftung NRW.

gótico tropical books
Gótico tropical is a publishing house that specializes in the production of zines and magazines and deals with topics related to migration and cultural dislocation. A central focus is on the media of drawing, handmade prints and artisanal bookbinding techniques. Photo: Laura Gómez

Grass Publishers
Grass Publishers, Brauweiler near Cologne, since 2017 artbooks with ?

Hfg of books/Hfg Offenbach
Hfg of books, shows artists’ books and publications that were created in the book workshop at the Hfg Offenbach.

Hochschule Düsseldorf, Peter Behrens School of Arts, Fachbereich Design
Department of Design, Peter Behrens School of Arts, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Photo: Daniel Seemayer

HumDrumPress is an expanded publishing project, based between Rotterdam and Berlin, that produces publications, hosts public gatherings, and evolves and maintains an experimental publishing practice based upon the commons.

Literature. Art. Sound. These are the three far-reaching territories that Cologne-based INTERVALLVERLAG is exploring. We are particularly interested in the spaces and intervals between these areas. Metaphors of the unseen, visual languages of the unspeakable, notations of the sonic dimension …

Jennifer Eckert
In her artist’s books, Jennifer Eckert refers to the book as a concept and space, examining the resulting possibilities of transferring language with reference to time, process and combinatorics with regard to its form.

José Quintanar
José Quintanar is an artist with a background in comics and architecture. Using the book as the principal format for his work, José Quintanar explores the possibilities of drawing as a game and the ways in which it serves as a primary method to establish processes based on rudimentary rules.

Klasse John Morgan
“Every year, the Morgan class independently designs publications that are constantly reinventing themselves. Overarching themes emerge from the class’s own ideas, which are worked on individually and take the form of a book together with Prof. Morgan.”

KRAUTin Verlag
KRAUTin is a new kind of publisher founded by artists, photographers and designers to make catalog production easier. This is because all publishing services, from printing and design to distribution, can be put together individually.

KUNSTFORUM International
KUNSTFORUM International the writers’ magazine for contemporary art.

la felce
In addition to the curated exhibitions, La Felce shows selected book presentations. Here, too, the focus is on the medium of the exhibition: How is book content presented “on the wall”? How is the atmosphere from an artist’s book transported into the room? Photo: La Felce

Lambert und Lambert Büro für Typografie, Konzeption und Gestaltung
Lambert und Lambert office for typography, conception and design. Entering the space of the book, in small and large formats. The book serves as an entrance into a space that we as readers can explore. Our aim is to develop the most suitable book form for each artist.

Literaturbüro NRW
The Literature Office organizes events around the written and spoken word for all age groups, on land, on water, in the air, in all imaginable variations and release publications on some projects or as individual projects.

Lubok Verlag
Since 2007, Lubok Verlag has been publishing original graphic artists’ books with linocuts and woodcuts, material and screen prints as well as artists’ books, zines and catalogs in offset and cliché printing from the fields of painting, graphics, photography, installation, collage, etc.

lukas thein x heenngrimm
„lukas thein x heenngrimm“ are artist friends who work together and solo on book projects in Germany and South Korea. Their artistic interest in landscapes, flowers, vases, arrangements and the everyday is exemplified in their book “arranging flowers”. Photo: Hwayoun Lee

M BOOKS is an independent publisher, bookshop and gallery for books on architecture and related disciplines.

MA ED Master Editorial Design
The Master’s program in Editorial Design at the FH Dortmund/FB Design shows student book projects with an explicit focus on questions of authorship in design and in the media-specific discourse of editorial design.

Maki Ishii
Maki Ishii, based in Berlin and Japan, exhibits installations and videos challenging societal norms and shared truths through absurd beliefs and patterns., founded in 2010 by Katrin Kamrau and Robert Schlotter, is a platform for multilingual artist publications and short-run publications with a focus on contemporary photography, visual art and self-publishing. Photo: Oliver Leu

Short stories, novels, poetry, science-fiction, essays – often in combination with illustrations: Maro has released books and magazines since 1970. Next to prose, the series MaroHefte has been published since 2020 with essays and illustrations on political and feminist topics and taboos. Photo: Jana Völki

n.k.g. publications
n.k.g. publications is an independent publishing platform run by artist and researcher Nina Glockner, exploring the potential of time-based, collaborative and performative processes, seeing publications as ‘space-time-containers’.

Nomad Papaya Books
Nomad Papaya BOOKS is an art book / zine publishing house focusing on transition of culture(s) and identit(ies), based in Taiwan / Germany. What is changing when you cross the border, leaving your own history/home behind? Can encounter form new Identity? Photo: Kenneth Lin

Péridot Verlag
Péridot was founded in 2021 by comic artist Ferdinand Lutz. In addition to the highly acclaimed children’s comic magazine POLLE, Péridot publishes works by Axel Scheffler, Jockum Nordström, Ludwig Bemelmans and ATAK – including translations by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel and Nadia Budde.

Prima. publications poeticize everyday life and condense it into works of book art. We think of each book as an overall project with artistic research and educational formats such as exhibitions or performative readings. We create worlds on paper and exchange beyond.

We do what we love – and are very good at: Producing media. We are passionate about making things happen. Making things feasible. Finding solutions. Even when things get difficult. With the aim of always delivering the perfect result for our customers.

Sayo Senoo
Sayo Senoo is a multidisciplinary artist, who works with salvaging waste on the street or anonymous photos online. By transforming them, and through laughter, poetry and art, she aims to propose a gentle approach to the reality. She started the publishing activity to archive her ephemeral works.

Self Publishers United
Self Publishers United is an initiative of photographers in The Netherlands that have published their own photo books. From recently graduated young talents to established names: we have a lot of beautiful publications to offer.

Set Margins’ publications
Creatively applying the cultural politics of content, form, and style whilst critically dissecting these to spark literacy, Set Margins’ publications enforces the voices of marginalized cultural agendas.

SHIFT BOOKS specializes in the publication of art and photography books. With a diverse publishing program, the publisher creates space for discussions on gender, political and cultural topics and thus offers an important contribution to the social debate. Photo: Helena Christian

Slanted Publishers
With a keen eye for contemporary design and culture, Slanted Publishers curates exceptional publications. They explore typography, photography, graphic design and visual culture. Their design goes beyond mere aesthetics, expression of ideas and boundary-pushing creativity.

Hi, I’m SOFF, an interdimensional artist.
My perception is my canvas.
My attention is the brush I wield.
My reality is the material I create, generate and eliminate.

SofortBooks is a publishing outlet from Hamburg that produces its own publications. We work with artists who reflect on or expand their practice in printed form.

stürz bücher
stürz bücher is a Berlin-based publisher of artists’ books. Its mission is to create space for artistic concepts that are developed directly for the book medium. The creation process of each publication is accompanied by a close exchange with the artists. Photo: Michael Jungblut

Tom Ackermann / Ellen Akimoto / Sandra Araujo / Tim Cierpiszewski / Stephan Günzel / Ricarda Hoop / Victoria Pidust / Zachary Grey Phelps / Eva Schnitt / Theo Triantafyllidis / Ingo Uhlig / etc.

Terry Bleu
Terry Bleu is an independent printing studio and publishing house founded in 2016 by Hugo Rocci. With a mission to transform the work of artists we love into fresh, one-of-a-kind prints, we get tickled by the playful, colourful, naïve, and surprising.

THE BOOKS THE BOOKS is a publishing house founded in 2020 by Hannah Rath and Matthias Meyer, which sees itself as a production and education platform. The focus is on supporting artists in the realization of interdisciplinary editions and book ideas. Photo: Anna Bertermann

On the occasion of the Between Books art book fair, Under the Weather brings together three independent publishing initiatives from Germany and the Netherlands: Archival Textures, Edition Malade, and Unbidden Tongues. Photo: Walter Taylor

Universität Duisburg-Essen
The Institute for Art and Art Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen presents student publications in the field of photography. From their photographic series, the students develop very individual realizations of hand-made photo zines in small editions. Photo: Klara Helen Böing

“Valiz is an independent international publisher on contemporary art, theory, critique, design and urban affairs. Our books offer critical reflection, interdisciplinary inspiration, and often establish a connection between cultural disciplines and socio-political questions.

VC-Edition – Visual Communication ZHdK, Zurich
The “VC Edition” is a concept for teaching and research within the framework of the degree program. It sees itself as a place of overlap in the field of tension between the areas of theory, text, writing, typography, photography, drawing, editorial design, information design and branding.

Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Verlag Hermann Schmidt stands for excellent books that make creative minds tingle and designers’ hearts beat faster. They help to make everyday creative life easier and more successful, or to put it more succinctly: they bring benefits and joy to creative people.

Verlag Kettler
Einen Steinwurf vom Dortmunder U entfernt und in Reichweite zu unserer hauseigenen Druckerei, verbindet der Verlag Kettler ambitionierte Verlagsarbeit mit technischer Perfektion. Rund um die Themen Kunst, Foto und Architektur verlegen wir Bücher von aufstrebenden Newcomern und etablierten Namen. Photo: Victoria Jung

Vexer Verlag
Our program is the result of an open dialogue with artists from the visual arts, literature, music, film, photography and architecture. The results are books about art and artists in experimental journalistic forms and formats. Photo: Wolfram Hahn

Volker Renner
Volker Renner’s artistic practice is that of the series and the collection. The individual photograph is always a module of a larger pictorial syntax, each motif the indication of a shared narrative. Each series leads to a lavishly designed publication, an album for private wonder. Photo: Volker Renner

Walkscapes is a publishing platform based in Brussels and founded in 2016 by Gianni Villa (FR, 1990) and Wanling Chang (TW, 1987), who produces books, magazines and exhibitions about the slow exploration of contemporary territories.

In October 2012, the Hans Peter Zimmer Foundation established the interdisciplinary art center WELTKUNSTZIMMER for the production, presentation and publication of art.
Our program consists of exhibitions, concerts, workshops, talks, the Urban Space Video Walk and the residency. Photo: Sabrina Weniger

Willi Blöss Verlag
Present at the stand: Willi Blöss (illustrator), Beatriz López-Caparrós (magazine designer).

Xue Wang
Xue Wang (*1994, China) works on graphics and artist books. Photo: Xue Wang

Zagava Books
Founded in Düsseldorf in 2013, Zagava Verlag focuses on art books, e.g. about the British punk legend and outsider artist Nick Blinko or the Düsseldorf artist Ilna Ewers-Wunderwald (1875-1957) and works of fantastic literature. Photo: Jonas Plöger

Zena Van den Block
Zena Van den Block, a Belgian artist, adeptly explores the subtleties of popular culture and everyday life through her diverse artistic practice. With a keen eye for detail and a playful touch, she creates approachable publications, revealing the beauty of the ordinary in captivating ways.
Zines? Cool! Jenni from has been creating zines on a wide range of topics since the beginning of 2023. She shares her passion not only through her zines, but also by organizing regular zine swap events to get even more people excited about zines. Photo: Patrick Sondel

ztscrpt is an independent, international publication on contemporary art and theory, based in Vienna and Berlin.
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