Jonas Hohnke. Starting Point

Jonas Hohnke
Starting Point, 2019
Photo: Katja Illner
With time, places of mobility, especially those used in our daily commutes, lose their sensual power. As we repeatedly encounter them, we block out the actions that we perform hundreds of times, the sounds, smells, and visual stimuli that we perceive in these places we return to on a daily basis.
The basis of Jonas Hohnke’s work as an artist is always the local situation: in this case, the closing of a car door, the starting of a car, and the sound of a car driving away. Using a field recording, he concentrates these sounds of mobility on a visualizable soundtrack that reflects the typical background noise of the parking garage. As an extension of the blue wall marking, this soundscape reenters the space in a clearly perceptible form, expanded into another medium.
Jonas Hohnke studied sculpture at the Kunstakademie Münster and graduated in 2015 as a master class student of Prof. Guillaume Bijl and Prof. Ayşe Erkmen.
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf parking garage, Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf
The exhibition is open twenty-four hours a day.

Jonas Hohnke
Starting Point, 2019
Photo: Katja Illner

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