Schaf und Ruder / Wool and Water

Astrid Klein
Installation view “Schaf und Ruder / Wool and Water”, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 2016
Photo: Katja Illner
This exhibition brings together artists under various aspects of the relationship between space and pictures, the perspective of multiverse reflections, doublings, or reflections and references. With sculpture as its starting point, it opens up questions between radical geometric abstraction in the work of Lili Dujourie, conceptual investigations in the work of Isa Genzken, or a political attitude and political space in the work of Astrid Klein. In this regard, the question of the materiality of objects and their unclear functionalization plays an important role. In the doubling of the world behind the mirror lies the very concrete frame of reference for our questions about the real in the everyday lack of understanding of things and their value. Thus, exploring values and correlations is central to the exhibition both as a question and an answer in space. The work Mirror (1981) by Gerhard Richter at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf is yet another reference point.
A group exhibition with Lili Dujourie, Isa Genzken, Astrid Klein, Mischa Kuball, Aron Mehzion, Reinhard Mucha, Sturtevant, Rosemarie Trockel.
Please find here the catalogue of the exhibition.

Aron Mehzion
A I A’ (Detail), 2016
Courtesy Galerie Daniel Marzona, Berlin

Aron Mehzion
Installation view “Schaf und Ruder / Wool and Water”, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 2016
Photo: Katja Illner

Astrid Klein
Untitled (Wie kommt die Zeit ins Hirn), 1998
Courtesy Sprüth Magers Berlin/London
Photo: Katja Illner

Astrid Klein
Fly Catcher III, 1987-91
Courtesy Sprüth Magers
Photo: Katja Illner

Lili Dujourie
Portret, 1985
Courtesy Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Brüssel

Elaine Sturtevant
Duchamp – Rêlache, 1967
43 × 35 cm
Courtesy Galerie Hans Mayer